Reservoir Geomechanics (ResGeo202) Stanford University
By Dr. Mark D. Zoback and PHD student. Arjun Kohli & Rall Walsh
Course Promo
Course Description
The course considers key practical issues such as prediction of pore pressure, estimation of hydrocarbon column heights and fault seal potential, determination of optimally stable well trajectories, casing set points and mud weights, changes in reservoir performance during depletion, and production-induced faulting and subsidence. The first part of the course establishes the basic principles involved in a way that allows readers from different disciplinary backgrounds to understand the key concepts.
Homework Solutions (Private when course starts again)
HW(8) Building a Geomechanical Model (GP202).
HW(6&7) Constraining Stress Magnitudes from Wellbore Failure (GP202).
HW(5) Analysis of Fractures in Image Logs (GP202).
HW(4) Calculating Limits on Crustal Stresses.
HW(3) Estimating Rock Strength from Geophysical Logs.
HW(2) Estimating the Onset of Overpressure.
HW(1) Calculating Overburden Stress.
Homework Data + Solution files (Spring2014 + Spring2015)
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Good morning, my name is Fausto Carrillo and I have a question. In the homework 4, assuming the case of reverse faults, what would be the lower limit of the maximum horizontal stress? Shmin or Sv?