Sunday, November 25, 2012

GEODe: Earth [CD-ROM] 2004

GEODe: Earth [CD-ROM]

Dennis Tasa, Ed Tarbuck, and Fred Lutgens
Copyright Pearson Education, Inc. 2004

  • For introductory courses in Earth Science, in departments of Geology, Geography, and Atmosphere Science. the GEODe: Earth CD-ROM has units that cover all major areas of Earth Science. In addition to a revised geology unit.
  • GEODe: Earth not need installation or setup program, only press on launch.exe or GEODeEarth.exe.
  • If your display is larger than 800 x 600 pixels, there will be a black border around the 800 x 600 display window.
Size: 340 MB
Part 1
Part 2
Part 1
Part 2


  1. Hello. Do you have the updated version of GeODE: Earth? It would be a great help to me. Thank you.

  2. hello how are you ...
    I thank you for the software uploaded to internet but erased from the pages
    that you will get on this page here please do not delete # register
    is i need tech log, pipesin 2011 and saw that you have the oil cd 10 please upload them I'd appreciate it
